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Yiu-Kwong Chung

"It has a gorgeous sound, and conductor Yiu-kwong Chung drew a wide range of dynamic contrasts and emotions from the group."

---- Jon Ross, ArtsCriticATL.com

"A master storyteller, Chung writes with a bold expressiveness that could come across as phony- yet it does not.....This is a name to watch for."

---- Ruth Wilson, wasbe.org

“Yiu-Kwong Chung is a real composer, in the classical sense, and his contributions are the most striking and memorable…. It’s hard to imagine a sensitive listener not getting worked up over this Concerto”

---- Raymond Tuttle, FANFARE

國立臺灣藝術大學音樂系教授,曾任臺北市立國樂團團長。從2007年至2015年擔任團長八年內,曾為國際著名打擊樂家Evelyn Glennie, 長號名家Christian Lindberg, 薩克斯風名家Claude Delangle, 大提琴家 Mischa Maisky 與 Anssi Karttunen, 長笛名家Pierre-Yves Artaud與Sharon Bezaly、美國知名弦樂四重奏Kronos Quartet 創作協奏曲,由臺北市立國樂團作世界首演。2012年6月帶領並指揮臺北市立國樂團歐洲巡迴,在曼徹斯特Bridgewater Hall與巴黎Théâtre du Châtelet (夏特雷劇院)等著名音樂廳演出;2014年10月又受邀赴香港與澳門音樂節演出。此外,在2009到2015六年內,為樂團製作 6張CD由瑞典 BIS唱片公司錄音並全球發行,創造出這項台灣音樂史上很難被打破的紀錄,同時讓臺北市立國樂團的國際知名度大幅提昇。


Yiu-kwong Chung is Taiwan's best known and most often performed composer and was the General Director of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO) from 2007 to 2015. During his tenure with TCO, he has written concerti for numerous top-class soloists including percussionist Evelyn Glennie, trombonist Christian Lindberg, saxophonist Claude Delangle, cellists Mischa Maisky and Anssi Karttunen, flutists Pierre-Yves Artaud and Sharon Bezaly, in addition to renowned Kronos Quartet; all were world-premiered by the TCO. In June 2012, he conducted the orchestra’s European Tour (with soloist Evelyn Glennie) and staged performances in Bridgewater Hall in Manchester and Le Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris that brought immediate international fame to the Orchestra. From 2009 to 2015, he has produced six CD’s released worldwide by Swedish BIS Records.

He wrote music for the 4D movie displayed in the Taiwan Pavilion at 2010 World Expo. In March 2000, The Eternal City for Chinese Orchestra captured the 1st prize of the 21st Century International Composition Competition held by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. His two bold and energetic pieces Dance of the Earth and Taiwanese Children Song, performed by cellist Yo-Yo Ma, are recorded on SONY-Taiwan's Super Charme Yo-Yo MA Album.