曾任巴黎市的國際管弦樂團(Ensemble Instrumental International) 、台北市立國樂團、救國團總團部幼獅管樂團等指揮。及國家文化藝術基金會評審委員、國家音樂廳交響樂團諮詢委員、國家音樂廳評議委員、國立台灣交響樂團諮 詢委員、輔大音樂系所主任、輔大推廣部主任。國立台北藝術大學藝教所專任教授兼該校國際交流中心主任。
客席指揮過國內各大交響樂團、管樂團、國樂團、現代室內樂團。曾與佐久間由美子、呂思清、Roger Boutry、Guy Touvron、Robert Altken、Andras AdorJan, Shigenori Kudo…等大師合作演出。
Holding Diplome Superieur 1984, Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, France, Mr. Kuo is an active conductor and professor in Taiwan. He was the conductor of Ensemble Instrumental International, Paris, France, Taipei Chinese Orchestra, and Youth Band of China Youth Corps, Taipei, Taiwan. Mr. Kuo has also worked with major orchestras, wind ensembles, Chinese orchestras, modern chamber music groups, and several maestros including Yumiko Sakuma, Si-Qing Lu, Roger Boutry, Guy Touvron, Robert Altken, Andras AdorJan, Shigenori Kudo, etc. Mr. Kuo is now a professor at the Music Department of the Fu Jen Catholic University and conducts its orchestra and wind ensemble. He is also the conductor of the Music Department orchestra, National Taipei University of Education, Taipei County Youth Orchestra and Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra.